Thursday, August 27, 2009

Northern Lights Rock and Ice's Rock Climbing Pinnacle

The Northern Lights' Rock Climbing Pinnacle by
Entre Prises offers a verticle challenge

Get High on Life at Northern Lights Rock and Ice in Essex, Vermont 802-316-3300 to reserve

The Earth Quake Bridge is one element of The
Northern Lights Rock and Ice High Challenge Course
that leads on to our dual 450' Zip Lines. Experience this
and more as part of our "Taste of Northern Lights" and
"High on Life" Adventure Packages. Call NLRI at 802-316-3300
to reserve your spot.

Northern Lights Rock and Ice Awesome Adventure

Bring your friends, furry and otherwise, to get a
Taste of Northern Light's Adventure

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

One of our guests at Northern Lights Rock and Ice enjoys our dual zip lines. As you see our snow maker adds a cooling spray of water to the end of your summer zip line adventure!